viernes, 25 de junio de 2010

Big Bang wasn`t an explosion..

25 of June 2010 -Absolute and unique authors right guaranteed.

This Blog will soon present my revolutionary "Great Whirl" theory that will demolish the overall accepted "Big Bang"- concept as the Cosmos Initiator.

This absolutely new concept will explain how it happened physically, what IS (not what WAS..) before the "H- minus zero point", how every single atom of the universe, how every drop of water, every insignificant piece of dust, how all of us and everything that surrounds us now, in the passed, and in the future forms part of a pre-programmed structure wherein all what you can observe and don`t observe, was, is, and will be, is provided with a prefixed memory effect.

God, or the Creator, or the Initiator, or any way you want to call him (or them), is in fact a CPP -Cosmo Porridge Programmer- (this will be explained on a later stadium): no doubt someone is responsible for all what happens and that our Fatum is predetermined even long before the "H- minus zero point" (starting of time) initiated history.

Our extremely limited brainwork-capacity will never be able to asimilate what`s really going on here, what`s the sense of life, why our universe has such an unimaginable dimension, who`s responsible for the whole, what was before the Universe, where does all come from, where does all goes to..

Einstein quote: "Imagination is more important than knowledge". So if you really want to know the truth, you`ll have to forget about known science and scientific phylosophy. The results would be a mixture of limited human knowledge and more questions than before..
Try to quantum-think in other dimensions, in other concepts and forget about the known.

Man hasnot been able to prove anything. The Great Einstein did an attemp in his: "Purposive Creation and Morality: Quantum Physics and free Will", trying to explain ultradimensional actions with human sense and acausality. Important apportation from a unique person, a big step into the right direction, however, uncomplete.

The " Great Whirl" theory will go further than any phylosopher has gone untill now and should create a new "School". It treats about the centrifugation of energy; the time-space interaction (T=S); the cosmoporridge; the big wheel whirl accelerator and the acausality memory.

Stay tuned.

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