What is Zero-Space and Zero-Time? That`s exactly the point where Time & Space begin. The traditional Big Bang Followers would say: that`s the state just before the Universe and Time were created. They are right in some way but wrong in the concept. The Universe is not a single event that occurred 15 billion years ago: it`s constantly renewed, not by new explosions, but using the Big Whirl Point, where obsolete universal material is absorbed, hyper-centrifuged until the Zero-Space and Zero Time is obtained, reprogrammed and send again through a deceleration and decentrifugation process into Time & Space.
Time = Space and both can be concentrated in one single condition. If Time is a single line travelling through a 3D –Space and, by reaching the speed of light, mass converts into energy (E=MxC²), but still within a straight line, if you would be able to curb this mass-energy line through hypercentrifugation (Big Whirl) into a Super Spiral and still be able to increase the acceleration, at one point this Super Spiral would disappear into one Zero-Space and Zero Time state, where all important things happen. This state is far away from our imagination and is dominated by the Upper Deck, just as explained in my earlier post.
Once regenerated (reprogrammed), the Spiral is sent back into the Universe through a decelaration process, following the three laws of motions of Newton`s Universal Gravitation Mechanism. The slowing Spirals can clearly be observed by the forms of the galaxies, where the neat shape of decelerating spirals are clearly distinguishable.
Mankind forms part of the Universe. All the stuff we are made of has been preprogrammed. Every single atom, every single water drop, every insignificant peace of dust has its place and function within our Universe. Religions, inventions, social behavior, wars, politics, have been preprogrammed and nothing is RANDOM.
The Universe and everything that`s happening all around us is a reflection of what`s going on in the Zero-Time, Zero-Space status. Nano Scale-investigations should be focused on the determination of nano programmes that interact on material. Also on the mathematical possibility of the Zero Point Status creation through a hyper-accelerating whirl process.