sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010

Big Whirl

What is Zero-Space and Zero-Time? That`s exactly the point where Time & Space begin. The traditional Big Bang Followers would say: that`s the state just before the Universe and Time were created. They are right in some way but wrong in the concept. The Universe is not a single event that occurred 15 billion years ago: it`s constantly renewed, not by new explosions, but using the Big Whirl Point, where obsolete universal material is absorbed, hyper-centrifuged until the Zero-Space and Zero Time is obtained, reprogrammed and send again through a deceleration and decentrifugation process into Time & Space.

Time = Space and both can be concentrated in one single condition. If Time is a single line travelling through a 3D –Space and, by reaching the speed of light, mass converts into energy (E=MxC²), but still within a straight line, if you would be able to curb this mass-energy line through hypercentrifugation (Big Whirl) into a Super Spiral and still be able to increase the acceleration, at one point this Super Spiral would disappear into one Zero-Space and Zero Time state, where all important things happen. This state is far away from our imagination and is dominated by the Upper Deck, just as explained in my earlier post.

Once regenerated (reprogrammed), the Spiral is sent back into the Universe through a decelaration process, following the three laws of motions of Newton`s Universal Gravitation Mechanism. The slowing Spirals can clearly be observed by the forms of the galaxies, where the neat shape of decelerating spirals are clearly distinguishable.

Mankind forms part of the Universe. All the stuff we are made of has been preprogrammed. Every single atom, every single water drop, every insignificant peace of dust has its place and function within our Universe. Religions, inventions, social behavior, wars, politics, have been preprogrammed and nothing is RANDOM.

The Universe and everything that`s happening all around us is a reflection of what`s going on in the Zero-Time, Zero-Space status. Nano Scale-investigations should be focused on the determination of nano programmes that interact on material. Also on the mathematical possibility of the Zero Point Status creation through a hyper-accelerating whirl process.


lunes, 16 de agosto de 2010

Time and Space

Time and Zero-Time (ZT).

God (Upper Deck) exists! Of course God exists, of course there is an Upper Deck! Only a simple mind assures the Creation is nothing else than a physical random event starting from a collision between two universes, or the explosion of a super atom under the uncluttered form of a Big Bang..: puerile Cosmogony for the undemanding man on the street; cheap agnosticism for the pseudo scientific community..

I cannot understand why nobody has gone behind this scenery: metaphysics are still just now in the early stages Aristotle left them thousands years ago: more questions than answers..: a couple of quantum theories from Einstein to Hawking without any revolutionary thoughts concerning The Answer.

Time is Space and Einstein was right. If there is no space, there is no time possible: this is only true in our limited three dimensional thinking. But we have to forget about our conventional way of seeing things and open our minds to the Upper Deck, the superior dimension that dominates time and space in such a sense that time coexists without time (Zero Time) and space coexists without space (Zero Space). That situation creates a controversy impossible to understand, however perfectly explainable. A simple example: a fridge in the middle of a desert. The Primary Desert Man, who has never seen a fridge, touches the outside of the refrigerator and the white metal feels logically hot, just as the outside temperature of the heated arid sandy landscape. He opens the freezer and a supreme cold breeze overwhelms his body: an incoherent situation for the Primary Desert Man, however a simple technical explanation from the fridge manufacturer.

We are dominated by the Upper Deck and cannot imagine the coexistence of Time and Zero Time or Space and Zero Space just as the Primary Desert Man experiences his incoherent mutual Hot and Cold sensation at the same time.

Yes, there exists a barrier between us and the UD: the fridge barrier between the human knowledge and superior activity, both coexist but only one can act: interactivity isn`t possible. Only after our death, our equal coexistence with the UD will be possible.

God created man in his own image” and everything mankind is experiencing during his life and what he can observe around him, is a reflection of how the UD is made of: life and death; superior domination; circulatory system; empiricism; community; communication; computer; programmer, et al.

The Universe is in a constant creation through The Inter phase Kinematics Movement but is also in a continuous destruction just as life. It`s not one stable Universe: it`s a constant renewed Universe experiencing a continuum process of creation and destruction; start en end; life and death.. That`s why the Big Bang Theory is erroneous: there wasn`t one Big Super Explosion at the start of Time creating an Expanding Universe: the Universe is being renewed every moment and every single atom of the whole Universe has a function..a UD-preprogrammed function that makes things happen and evolve. The Evolution Theory of Darwin is another BIG MISTAKE, just as the BIG BANG. Things do not evolve randomly from scratch and create a perfect paradise, life, sentiments, intelligence and more than a million sorts of animals on earth: every single atom of our Universe has a sense and has been preprogrammed to perform a mission; to complete a puzzle, to create life, to accomplish the UD program..

My next posting will reveal the mechanical function of the “Kinematics Movement” and the “Whirl Effect” and how Time can coexist with Zero Time.

Stay tuned.

viernes, 25 de junio de 2010

Big Bang wasn`t an explosion..

25 of June 2010 -Absolute and unique authors right guaranteed.

This Blog will soon present my revolutionary "Great Whirl" theory that will demolish the overall accepted "Big Bang"- concept as the Cosmos Initiator.

This absolutely new concept will explain how it happened physically, what IS (not what WAS..) before the "H- minus zero point", how every single atom of the universe, how every drop of water, every insignificant piece of dust, how all of us and everything that surrounds us now, in the passed, and in the future forms part of a pre-programmed structure wherein all what you can observe and don`t observe, was, is, and will be, is provided with a prefixed memory effect.

God, or the Creator, or the Initiator, or any way you want to call him (or them), is in fact a CPP -Cosmo Porridge Programmer- (this will be explained on a later stadium): no doubt someone is responsible for all what happens and that our Fatum is predetermined even long before the "H- minus zero point" (starting of time) initiated history.

Our extremely limited brainwork-capacity will never be able to asimilate what`s really going on here, what`s the sense of life, why our universe has such an unimaginable dimension, who`s responsible for the whole, what was before the Universe, where does all come from, where does all goes to..

Einstein quote: "Imagination is more important than knowledge". So if you really want to know the truth, you`ll have to forget about known science and scientific phylosophy. The results would be a mixture of limited human knowledge and more questions than before..
Try to quantum-think in other dimensions, in other concepts and forget about the known.

Man hasnot been able to prove anything. The Great Einstein did an attemp in his: "Purposive Creation and Morality: Quantum Physics and free Will", trying to explain ultradimensional actions with human sense and acausality. Important apportation from a unique person, a big step into the right direction, however, uncomplete.

The " Great Whirl" theory will go further than any phylosopher has gone untill now and should create a new "School". It treats about the centrifugation of energy; the time-space interaction (T=S); the cosmoporridge; the big wheel whirl accelerator and the acausality memory.

Stay tuned.